Night is a time when we have a lot of energy and head full of ideas.. But did we do any of those ideas? Or did we use that energy to do things? Or we just go sleep with thought that we will do something tomorrow?
Recently I can't sleep.. And when I say "I can't sleep" I really mean I can't... :P
And I don't know why.. But I don't like to stay in place and do nothing.. So I started to looking for something new what I could learn by myself.
I have made some stuff in Unity3D for over a year and I have seen some crazy thing that my friend done in his game engine called
Barok Engine and I falled in love with his water...
Water in Barok Engine |
It's so.... Beautiful... It's more real than real water.. It's... There is no words for that water.. It's so cool..
So one night I have played with a Barok for an hour or two... Messing with stuff around the scene.. Painting water and trying to do something useful... And when the sun rise I was so tired that I finally fall asleep.