Sunday, 8 December 2013

[PL] Spotkanie Grupy.NET Politechniki Lubelskiej

Już we wtorek (10.12.2013) znów będzie można mnie posłuchać!
Tym razem będę prowadził spotkanie Grupy.NET działającej na Politechnice Lubelskiej!

Będę kontynuować to co zacząłem już na ITADzie, czyli tworzenie gier w Unity3D!

Zapraszam serdecznie wszystkich zainteresowanych! ;)

Link do wydarzenia:,9091

IT Academic Day at Lublin University of Technology

So last week we were on ITAD at Lublin University of Technology with Łukasz Wójcik :)
We talk about our job (Pixel Frog), Unity3D and Lublin GameDev group ;)

Of course Unity3D help us... With 3 crashes and some other fun things but overall our lecture was good! :) (I hope so)

And some photos :)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Lublin GameDev on ITAD UMCS

Tomorrow (27. november) our Lublin GameDev team will be on IT Academic Day UMCS.
Again we'll present our games to people and again we'll let them play :)

This is next opportunity to promote our gamedev group and take some photos.. :D
Also we have a chance to talk about ours games and get some feedback from players :)

And in next week will be ITAD on Lublin University of Technology and I'll be speaker!
That's awesome! With friend we'll be talking about Unity3D and our Lublin GameDev group.

Ok.. That's all for now. I need to fix some bugs for tomorrow ^^

Friday, 15 November 2013

Lublin GameDev - some moar information :)

Now you can ask how it was at Microsoft Innovation Summit in Lublin :)

Our Lublin GameDev group
I can say that it was great opportunity to promote our Lublin GameDev group and find out that more people are interested in making games in Lublin! GREAT!!! Our group is growing! :D

Gallery is available on our FB fanpage (Link)

Ok, I think it's time to tell something more about our group. How we work, what we're doing and where you can meet as :)

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Lublin GameDev & Microsoft Innovation Summit

Better than never..

So tomorrow we're going to Microsoft Innovation Summit as Lublin GameDev group to show our work to other people. I'm pretty excited about it! :D

I'm gonna show Viking Memo, 2 racing prototypes, some augmented reality projects and one visualization project (or this will be game.. I'll share some more information on blog). :)

More information from this event soon.. :)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

How to use enums to store keys for scripts in Unity3D

Everyone love strings. Especially those hard-code when you can find all references to this one which you're looking for...
How much I love reading such code and often fix it... This is almost the best thing after magic-classes with thousands of lines and no comments.

<Sarcasm off>

But lets back to the our topic...

What is "enum"? And why should I use it?

Enumerated type (in short enum) is a data type consisting of named constant values. (from Wikipedia).
For example
enum Days {Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun};

Monday, 9 September 2013

JSON - how to convert variables it into text and vice versa (with Unity3D & PlayerPrefs)

Recently I used JSON a lot and I'd like to share some knowledge about it.
Here I'm using MiniJSON (link) because I prefer C# rather than JS (this one make me sick!).

So at beginning what JSON is?
JSON is a... string :) And it can have our arrays, dictionaries, variables and other crazy things. And this is all about it, but if you like reading you should go to Wikipedia and read all about it :P

Friday, 30 August 2013

My progress in game development...

Making games maybe is not easy but is fun!
Especially when people enjoy playing your games :)
And it's great have a feedback from users!

So I'm making some improvements in Viking Memo..
Difficult select
Now Viking will have 2 modes: Time Challenge and Casual. (and soon will be 3rd, Survival)
Casual will stay the same as it's now but Time Challenge will count time not from 0 but to 0!
This is obvious... :)
And the Survival mode... That will be special... But for now it's a secret! ;>

Also I'm start other project. Now it's code name is ToonRace and that will be racing game.
GUI, Terrain and Speed!
This is very early stage of development so there's not so much what I can tell now about.
But I hope that it will be fun to play :)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Viking Memo now in BlackBerry World!

Yey! Finally Viking Memo is available in BlackBerry World!

Game is available for all BlackBerry 10 smartphones! So if you have one you should try! ^^

Link to BlackBerry World:

Have fun!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Viking Memo available on Google Play!

Recently I work over bigger project in Pixel Frog but I finally finish other one.

And now let me introduce my first ever published game the Viking Memo!

Congratulations to me and Martyna Bakun! Bravo! :P

So I don't take more time and here you've got link to Google Play: link

Have a nice time :)

Monday, 17 June 2013

Text Adventure in C

So there was another project which I've to write in C
This is just simple moving on map that have to be define in code.
All text is read from *.txt files which name define position on map :-)

So here you can download all stuff you need: Text Adventure - C

Friday, 3 May 2013

Lublin GameDev

I've created profile "Lublin GameDev" on Facebook few days ago to integrate local gamedevs. And I wish that was good idea... We'll see..
In near future there will be first meeting. Stay toned.. ;)

Digital Dragons 2013 - Cracow

On 19th April I was on Digital Dragons in Cracow and... It was awesome! I hope you can be there!

There was a lot of people from game industry which I met and get from them little knowledge about their productions and tools their use. I'll use them in near future :-)

If you'd like to know more about DD just Google it :P

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

HashColor is now in Windows Store!

So.. I was on CodeCamp and I create app with XAML & C# which is now in Windows Store!

It's just a simple app that gives you hashcode...
But there'll be more features in future ;)

Link to Windows Store

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Imagine Cup 2013 - Polish Finals

This Thursday I'm going to Warsaw to see the Polish finals of the Imagine Cup :-)
This's the last step before going to Russia for the participants and last chance to show what they have.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Little update in Social Media section

I just update list of my profiles on few pages (GooglePlus, LinkedIn, Twitter).
Feel free to write.

Let's back and blog!

So I decide to create this blog. Probably you can't find anything interesting here (for now..) but I would like to be a GameDev in future and do some of my projects.. ;-)
I'll post some screens, updates and other random things.

So.. Now I work with Unity3D and try to learn something...

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Little game project in MASM on university.

I made few months ago game project in MASM on my university and I decided to share it with world.
It was painful to create this with MASM and I hope so I don't have to do this again...

You can play or treat this as a code example. It's your business.

Here it is: Guess Number - MASM